Book Cover Art License Terms

  1. Artwork is sold and licensed only once. "Buy" links are terminated once an Artwork is sold and paid for to prevent any more purchases. In case of duplicate sales, the buyer who has completed the transaction first will be awarded the license. Other buyers will be refunded and any duplicate licenses will be cancelled.

  2. Artwork may only be used for book covers and promotional materials related to the particular book it is used for.

  3. Artwork and Derivative Works from the artwork may not be resold in any media. Derivative works from the Artwork is not permitted.

  4. Artwork is sold as-is. No major changes or alterations in the artwork can be made before or after the sale, except for the addition of necessary texts, branding, model hair color changes, and the addition of a spine and back cover for the print front cover by artists hired by the licensee.

  5. Model images in the artwork are from with a non-exclusive, multi-use, web + print license. Some backgrounds are sourced from various commercial stock, but most are exclusively designed, handcrafted, and created by the Pi Creative Team and PiC Lab Team.

  6. Addition of Book Title, Author Branding, and other text is not included in the sale. You may add your own or hire a cover artist. (We will gladly recommend a cover artist if you do not have one--just ask. :) )

  7. Addition of cover text does not transfer the artwork copyright to you or your artist. Design Credit should state: Images and Cover Art Illustration by Period Images, Pi Creative Lab and _________(Pi contributor as stated in artwork file name.) Cover Text, Logo (if applicable), and Branding (if applicable) by _____________(your hired artist.)

  8. VJ Dunraven Productions, Mary Chronis, Period Images, Pi Creative Lab and its Contributors retain all copyright to the artwork, source files, images, and materials used in producing the artwork. Artwork Source Files or PSD files are not available for sale, nor can access be granted to anyone.

  9. All Artwork licensing sales are final. No refunds, or returns/exchanges will be entertained.