- Stock Footage/Video Licensing
License Limitations Notice:
YOU MAY NOT Portray any person depicted in Visual Content (an "Actor," "Talent," or "Model") or use the Visual Content:
a) to resell, redistribute, provide access to, share, or transfer any Visual Content in its original form to another individual, organization, or business.
b) You may not use "stills" derived from Footage in ebook covers, or printed book covers, or any type of printed matter. "Stills" may not be derived from footage for sharing in social media, or any web, or print media unless a Web + Print Video Stills License is procured. Stills must be protected by the copyright holder's watermark, or altered to include your own branding in connection with the marketing, promotion, and advertising of your derivative works incorporating the Footage.
c) You may not Falsely represent that any Visual Content was created by you or a person other than the copyright holder(s) of that Visual Content.
d) You may not use any Visual Content in a pornographic, defamatory, or deceptive context, or illegal activity, or in connection with any form of pornography, adult videos, adult entertainment venues, escort services, dating services, or any similar form of project, business, or entity.
e.) You may not use Visual Content designated "Editorial Use Only" for commercial purposes.
f.) You may not use content in connection with any political policy or viewpoint or the promotion, advertisement or endorsement of any party, candidate, or elected official
Questions? Please contact us here.
1.) Full HD Stock Video Clips: (1920 x 1080)
- Non-exclusive use
- Personal and Commercial projects (Read License Limitations Notice above)
2.) Full HD Custom Exclusive Video Clips: (1920 x 1080)
- Exclusive Use
- Personal and Commercial Projects (Read License Limitations Notice above)